Tuesday, October 12, 2010

tired... so so tired...

Im so tired.... haha.
I run a web presence for Contraband TV on the official mun2 page for us. The website is called "holamun2" and have had my ups and downs with the admins I figure, but I didn't think they would get mad today when I uploaded this:

Yeah this
It's a goodbye of sorts for one of their mascots, well two i guess, the DIY Robot and the talking taco which had a nice bit on mun2's "holamun2: el show" and have disappeared since. They decided to take it down from my post, which is ok, but damn, why not even acknowledge it? lol 
But yeah, im dead tired.. we finished the Andy Z video today, so I'm glad thats off our shoulders and I now have some free time for studying. But with the whole, "Trapped miners" fiasco I TV I dont even know if I will get to my work! haha. I wish them well. :)

500 dollars!!!!
Halloween is coming up and a good friend of mine sent me this ad, it's for a costume contest. I don't know if I should or could. But if I can get back in "power ranger" shape I might just do Red again. lol 

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